A Review Of The Movie The Martian

A crew of astronauts just got caught in a horrible storm on Mars, astronaut Mark Watney (Matt Damon) gets left behind on Mars because his crew members think he is dead.

Mark Watney is left on Mars with only a few supplies that will last only a few days, he has to figure out how to survive on Mars with this supply. Meanwhile, back on Earth, NASA and a team of international scientists work together to bring him home, while his crew members make their own plan to get him back to Earth. Will Mark Watney come back to Earth? With the most helpful directing of Ridley Scott this amazing sci-fi movie was made with a lot of twists and turns.

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In The Martian their living habitat was realistic to the ones they use one actual space missions. Scientists know these are realistic because at NASA the crews train for their space missions at a place called the Human Exploration Research Analog (HERA), this is where they made sure their habitat on Mars looked realistic. Also in The Martian the rover Mark Whatney was traveling in to find the device so he could communicate with NASA was also realistic because NASA uses these rovers to help solve problems they are aware of or discover new problems that arise.

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In The Martian astronaut Mark Watney grows his own food with the crew membersє waste that has been in the garbage for weeks now. This was one of the unrealistic things mentioned in the movie, this is unrealistic because it would be toxic to eat the crops that were grown with human waste that has been sitting there for maybe weeks or even months. Also, another unrealistic thing in the movie is making water with rocket fuel, this is unrealistic because there is a much simpler way of getting drinkable water on Mars and that is extracting it from the ground of Mars.

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The Martian was a great sci-fi film with its contrast between the real science and science fiction. The real science and science fiction of the movie make for a great viewing experience. The Martian was a great movie to watch with twists and turns it always kept you on your feet and wanting to never stop watching, the intense parts of the movie were always really realistic making you think you were there with him, but there was always a bit of humour after these scenes making the viewer feel relieved.